Feature List

Data Storage

SQLite database: Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable (ACID)
transactional integrity for data safety from memory shortage or power-loss
virtual storage implementation for rapid access and fluid scrolling through large databases on resource-constrained mobile devices

Data Security

Apple iOS hardware encryption and device locking integration
proactive data protection monitoring

Data Design

Records: object-oriented, compound Types (user-defined, reusable)
interface Glyphs (headings, line breaks, ...)
Values: basic Types
Barcode (scan)
Big Number
Distance (mileage)
Drawing (signature capture, signature cards, ...)
Fractional Number
iOS Contact (association)
Note (multi-line)
Password (hidden text)
Phone Number
Unsigned Number
URL (hyperlink)
Choice lists
Composition (containment) of compound Types
References to shared Records of a Type
Type collaboration (e.g., assign an Employee to a specific Time Card, ...)
special-purpose Appliances
Location (GPS)
Time Group (time tracking)
Start Time
End Time
Expense Group (expense tracking)
Mileage Group (mileage tracking)
Odometer Start
Odometer End
a fully capable data design environment on both desktop and mobile devices

Data Categorization

Tables of associated Records
a tree-like structure of Collections of unlimited depth
nested Collections (Collections inside Collections)

Data Visualization

support for over 40 locales (iOS) for data input and display
customizable images for Tables
customizable images for Collections
inline thumbnails of Record content (Image, Drawing)
inline toggle of Record content (Yes/No)

Data Collection - User Interface (UI)

multi-line (configurable) Record display
multi-level (configurable) Record sorting
quick-entry Field Views (Date, Time, Duration, ...)
Record count -based (vertical) scroll within a Table
Record-by-Record (horizontal) navigation within a Table
in-list cross-management of Referenced (linked) Records
portrait/landscape orientation support
splitter (dual-pane) support (phablets, tablets)
side-by-side multitasking support
photo capture directly inside the application
support for auto-capitalization, auto-correction and spell checking

Data Collection - Never Enter Data Twice (NED2)

deep-copy, compound Record duplication
reusable, persistent Templates (partial Records)

Data Review

time-frame -based filters (date range: a day, a week, back-forward, ...)
tag -based filters (pick list: referencing a particular Record of a Type)
text -based filters (a search bar: content matching)
reusable, persistent Searches with textual/numeric comparison operators (Starts With, Contains, Equals, Less Than, ...)

Data Reporting

Fields: column sets
Summary Variables: numerical value aggregation
Groups: row association criteria
Footers: Group summary lines
HTML CSS styling

Data Utilization

comma-separated values (CSV) export and import
backup and restore
cloud document exchange
open a Field with iOS (cross-application data sharing)

Data Synchronization

synchronization across multiple desktop (macOS) and mobile (iOS) devices
synchronization through the cloud over a wired or wireless network connection
zero-setup: Apple iCloud authentication only
efficient synchronization of data that has changed only (incremental)
built-in data recovery: automatic detection of local device or remote cloud account replacement with automatic data consolidation


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